Resisting Medical Tyranny----Why the Covid-19 Mandates are Criminal (pub in UK Amazon)
by Professor Francis A Boyle Professor at law and former US criminal prosecutor at the Hague international criminal court.
Professor Francis Boyle is the author of the United States implementing legislation for the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention known as the Biological Weapons Ant-Terrorism Act of 1989 that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the United States Congress and signed into law by President George H.W.Bush with the approval of the US Department of Justice. He acted as US Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court concerning the Bosnia war.
This new book by Professor Boyle proves that the Covid-19 vaccines and their related mandates violate the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation that the United States government used to prosecute, convict and execute Nazi doctors at Nuremberg. The Covid-19 vaccines and their related mandates are a Nuremberg Crime against humanity under international criminal law.. The information contained herein sets forth legal strategies for people and lawyers to fight back against this medical tyranny, which is being ruthlessly imposed on us by these scientific and medical elites----by using criminal law,constitutional law and international law..
This information on Nuremberg law is taken direct from Professor Boyle`s book
(this book is presently available in UK from Amazon at a reasonable price---essential reading)
Dr Boyle`s latest interview with alex Jones on infowars Biden is planning another pandemic. They are determined to continue the killing! These psychopaths want us dead!
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