Thursday 31 October 2019

Chile cancels UN climate conference COP25.

Mass protests in Chile because of rising energy costs are a result of subsidies given to renewables to promote man made climate policies.  Clearly the public will not have it.  The same is happening in Lebanon and with the yellow vests in France and in other countries across the world.

Saturday 26 October 2019

Coal capacity in India growing! Independent gets it wrong!

A recent article in the Independent by Ian Johnston highlights a growth in solar energy.  Analyst Tim Buckley in the Institute for Energy Economics mentions this.   however the Indian government paints a totally different picture of increasing coal capacity for the next three years.
G Prasad chief engineer at the Indian Federal Power ministry said
    Solar power definitely has a role to play, but as Mr Prasad noted in the article above:
“If we have to meet demand and address the intermittencies we have with solar and wind, we have no choice but to keep depending on coal-based generation in the near future.”
India Expects coal capacity to swell by a fifth in three years to 238GW!    The independent have got it wrong!
    acknowledgement to Paul Homewood blog

Consequences of climate policies. Chile explodes in violence

If it can happen in Santiago, it could happen anywhere. That is the uncomfortable message that the rest of the world should take from the sudden breakdown of civil order in Chile, and unfortunately it is correct… The catalyst was a proposal to raise public transport fares and energy bills. There is ample evidence from across the world that these will incite rebellion like nothing else — a point that those who hope to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions via a carbon tax should bear in mind. --John Authers, The Washington Post, 23 October 2019

Climate activists and the United Nations are suffering a major black eye this week as protests and riots resulting from high energy prices have erupted in Santiago, Chile. Chile, which is hosting a major U.N. climate conference in December, earned praise from climate activists for recently imposing a carbon dioxide tax on conventional energy sources and switching the Santiago Metro system to renewable power. Now, the people of Chile are rising up and firing a shot across the bow of other nations considering similar energy taxes and expensive renewable energy programs. --James Taylor, The Epoch Times, 25 October 2019
    Acknowledgement to GWPF web .  (Global Warming Policy Forum)