I am a retired DUP Stormont assistant to late Rev Ian Paisley. I was a DUP delegate at the Stormont constitutional convention some years back. I have a double masters in physics with 35 years teaching at Belfast Met College, I also taught medical sciences. I am member secretary to Principia Scientific International.
Wednesday, 31 August 2022
US Col Macgregor exposes the fantasy world inhabited by Biden and the senior military over Ukraine
Interview conducted by senior US judge on his Freedom channel
Is Donald Trump a freemason? Trump Tower 666 Temple of Baal Explosive video
Tuesday, 30 August 2022
MUST SEE video first video down
https://beforeitsnews.com/canada/2022/08/unjabbedusacanadamilitaryneedsarresttherothschildsrockefellersif-this-is-true-we-are-in-serious-trouble-5050.html FIRST VIDEO DOWN!
Monday, 29 August 2022
How the medical establishment is working with the cabal to facilitate global genocide
The above is from Exposing the Darkness
Lioness of Judah ministry August 31! https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/end-times-headline-news-326?utm_source=email
Ask your doctor for a response! Time for open surgeries. Time for the doctors to put their patients first before themselves before politics or politicians. After all reader you are paying their salaries. Time to remind them about that. Time to remind the "health" minister Enough is enough.
Sunday, 28 August 2022
Child Sacrifice. The sin of the Amorites. Is it still happening today?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STXLgRjDQWA See also ExpeditionBible.com
Numbers 13 v 29 states "the Amorites dwell in the mountains and the Canaanites dwell by the sea and by the coast of Jordan" Leviticus 18 v 21 " and thy shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the Lord" The sin of the Amorites was CHILD SACRIFICE!
Watch the above video and you will get proof of that , the very place in Gezer between Tel a Viv and Jerusalem. Unless you have been living under a stone for the past months you will have read of the endless injection deaths of children by a "vaccine" that is not a vaccine but a bio weapon that should not be given to children. then there is also abortion the deaths of children remembering that life begins at inception! O yes the sin of the Amorites is very much alive today!
Saturday, 27 August 2022
Government data reveals 3 in every 5 people have refused a single or further dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.
The majority both in the UK and the USA have refused the "vaccine" a "vaccine" that is not a real vaccine but is a bio weapon designed to kill! Official government data coming out of both the USA and the UK reveals there are now at least 254 million "vaccine refusniks" in both countries with approximately 3 out of every 5 people refusing a first, second or third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.
UN new resolution on Russia: in the latest attempt to pass another anti Russia resolution it met total failure. Only 30 percent of UN members voted for a new anti Russia resolution. This is down from 73 percent in March. (RT News report)
Gradually the Ukraine Zelensky nazis are being exposed for what they really are NAZIS!
Friday, 26 August 2022
Monkey Werx watches the skies tracking US Europe
https://youtu.be/_inC_imL40I?t=90 Expert aircraft movements US Europe Russia . whats going on up there? Watch listen and find out! Who is moving where? Broadcast direct from the great state of Texas.
Monkey Werx the master tracker at work! Unique skills from ex services intel.
Are UN Troops Already In The UK? Both NI AND GB?
Watch the 3 to 4 minutes video The first video down Are UN Troops being brought in under the guise of immigrants? Did Blair sell out the UK with the Nice Treaty in 2000?
The Daily Expose: Hundreds of thousands dying from Covid vaccine each week
This video is a must see (first video down) . UN troops for the UK? Is this true? If this is true we are in serious trouble. Watch it anyway. Are the immigrants really immigrants or are they something else?
Wednesday, 24 August 2022
Truss says she is prepared to use nuclear weapons. Truss should be removed from the election.
In a speech in Birmingham last night Conservative party candidate Miss Truss said in a irresponsible speech that she is prepared to use nuclear weapons. As a graduate physical scientist with many years teaching experience I can tell Miss Truss that a nuclear exchange with a major nuclear power such as Russia would mean the wipe out of major UK cities like London, like Birmingham, like Belfast. with also many people being killed both in GB and in NI. I call upon Conservatives living in Northern Ireland not to vote for this headcase Truss. If you have voted for her then contact Sr Graham BradyMP and tell him you want to change your vote to Sunak. I also call on Sir Graham Brady MP to remove Miss Truss from the election on the grounds she is putting the life of every citizen living in the UK in grave danger. (President Putin has said they the Russians will not make the first strike. ( that is to his credit).
Send a tweet to Sir Graham Brady that Truss is totally unacceptable to be prime minister @SirGrahamBrady
Tuesday, 23 August 2022
Hundreds of Canadian doctors drop dead after getting the 4th booster shot. Mass genocide in Canada
Stew Peters show interview. One can see the growing anger that Stew is experiencing and rightly so. These doctors forced to take this poison by the tyrannical Canadian nazi government. Surely judgement will come and come soon . Let us pray that it will be so and soon.
Murder in Moscow
This is the woman caught on camera who crossed the border from Ukraine and reportedly killed the daughter of well known Russian Darya Dugina a friend of President Putin. (Report from RT News).Clearly this woman is toast. She entered Russia using a Donetsk number plate to avoid scrutiny.
Sunday, 21 August 2022
Death on the beach. eleven dead in 24 hours!
https://www.bitchute.com/video/HM0eF0kql6f2/ Proposed vax murders?
Hugo talks reports. Many other healthy individuals dying suddenly.
Covid "vaccine" causes cancer!
The wearing of the mask is an occult practise, a rejection of Christ
Revelation 17v5 Babylon is called "mystery Babylon. Babylon means confusion. The word mystery in the Bible has to do with shutting the mouth (check out Strong`s Concordance). Masking has traditionally played a important role in occult rituals.. It is a token of submission, a gesture of your willingness to be subject to others. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica mask wearing is " a form of disguise or concealment usually worn over or in front of the face to hide the identity of the person and by its own features to establish another being". So the wearing of the mask represents a occult transformation from one role to another. It will not protect you or anyone in the room.
The masking ritual is specifically designed to reverse the order of hierarchy set in place by God himself. The hierarchy of God himself to the believer should be that you the believer are representative of his word on earth. It is our job to "preach the word; be instant in season,out of season; reprove,rebuke,exhort with all long suffering and doctrine" 2 Timothy 4:2 As a believer you must be ready at all times to teach the word so you must remain unmasked at all times. To be ready at all times to speak his word you cannot be masked or muzzled. Wearing the mask is a powerful occult symbol indicating your submission to another power other than the Creator God who gave you the direct commission to preach his word to the world.
The entire manufactured coronavirus crisis is one giant occult ritual from start to finish replete with occult symbology . the ritual mask wearing, the ritual hand washing, the ritual social distancing the ritual lockdown. It is a attempt to symbolically initiate the people of this world into their new positions in a new world order---a new order that rejects Jesus Christ and Christianity and puts the people of this world under the ultimate control of a global elite whose god is the devil himself. Nearly all the leaders of this christ rejection movement of the new world order worship Satan, they dont even hide it.
(as regarding Sars Gov2 and Covid-19 no scientist in the world has been able to isolate it as a virus.
that is proof that neither exist. they are computer generated. (see 23 July post Dr Poornina Wagh PhD in Virology, PhD in Immunology who experimented in her laboratory unable to isolate them. She said they do not exist. To say they exist is a lie.)
Saturday, 20 August 2022
Digital anti-Christ government formed and Biden issues executive order supporting it!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2cfupg9Uc4 Restored Republic
Lioness of Judah ministries Darkness of the end times https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/end-times-headline-news-535?utm_source=email
Word of warning: They are attempting to bring in a government controlled digital currency. Save your cash now before it is gone forever! Time is short! Watch the above vital christian based information. Watch it now!
THE LUCERFERIAN RELIGION OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER. BAAL worship at G7 meeting. Watch this brilliant video.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pktRDO3c5I the lucerferian religion of the NWO .The Arch of Baal at the G7 meeting.
Friday, 19 August 2022
Lioness of Judah ministry. Nuclear false flag coming at the Ukraine nuclear plant?
Part of the Lucerferian plan is to take down the present world order. A staged attack on the Ukraine nuclear plant to blame Russia is a central plank in their strategy so dont fall for it when it comes. Kiev is set on attacking the Zaporozhye nuclear plant during a visit by the UN top official claims the Russian military. Ukraine forces targeted Energodar with artillery according to a member of the local administration. It is claimed that at least seven rockets hit the Russian controlled city that hosts the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant the largest nuclear plant in Europe.
The crown, the 33 families. who are they?
Thursday, 18 August 2022
Did Jahred Kushner sell out President Trump. Is he the mole? A parrallel between Absalom and King David? Read 2 Samuel ch 15 and17
As you probably know the FBI has raided Mar OLago the residence of former President Trump(Actually Trump never resigned from the Presidency. Legally he is still President as before he left the White House he signed the Insurrection Act giving him total control of the military.) The recent FBI raid on Trump`s home in Florida has raised speculation that there was a mole in Mar OLago and that the mole is none other than Trump`s son in law Jahred Kushner. We know that Kushner is a zionist and Trump himself is a freemason. His own daughter Avanka stabbed him in the back as both Ivanka and Kushner let it be known that they believed Trump lost the 2020 election whereas growing evidence points to Trump actually having won the 2020 election.
Think of the parallel with King David and his son Absalom, King David`s favourite who betrayed him.
Absalom wanted the kingdom just as it is suspected Kushner wants the kingdom Imagine a Zionist jew together with a freemason. What a combination! . A world Zionist Jewish Freemason government? God forbid! Democracy has been overthrown in the US. Who is next? Read 2 Samuel chapters 15 and 17 and you will be amazed at the similarities.
Major speech by President Putin on the great reset. Protects national identity.
Major speech by President Putin
Jackson Hinkle: Russia & China vs the Great Reset. War with China & Russia "Weeks Away" This Putin Speech is a Must Hear. Will Putin save humanity from nazi rule?
Zenensky a nut case attacks the Ukraine nuclear plant!
Wednesday, 17 August 2022
Hundreds of thousands reportedly dying each week from the Pfizer shots--- new report Natural News
New Report in Natural News by Ethan Huff 22 August 2022
https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-08-16-hundreds-thousands-dying-weeky-pfizer-covid-vaccines.html see also https://citizens.news/647664.html
Hundreds of thousands reportedly dying WEEKLY from Pfizer’s covid injections – PfizerGate continues
Tuesday, August 16, 2022 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: badhealth, badmedicine, Big Pharma, Censored Science, chemical violence, clot shot, COVID, deaths, depopulation, genocide, heart health, immune system, Immunizations, medical violence, mRNA, Pfizer, PfizerGate, pharmaceutical fraud, Plandemic, poison, research, spike protein, Vaccine deaths, vaccines
This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author

(Natural News) Official government data shows that hundreds of thousands of people per week are now dying from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”
All around the world, the “fully vaccinated” are suffering heart attacks, clotting and other cardiovascular events that result in permanent disability or death, according to the data. Meanwhile, governments are still pushing the shots as the “cure” for Chinese Germs.
The United Kingdom Health Security Agency’s (UKHSA) “Ambulance Syndromic Surveillance System – Week 30” bulletin offers a glimpse into the carnage using Great Britain as the example. There, emergency ambulance calls are through the roof due to post-injection “complications,” and the health care system is now on the verge of collapsing.
Since at least last August when Operation Warp Speed was in full swing, the number of emergency calls for potentially life-threatening heart issues has nearly doubled – and that number is only increasing with each passing day. (Related: Pfizer has known this entire time that its covid injections are killing people.)
“… ambulance call-outs for high conditions have been overall since January 2021, and have been increasing month to month,” reports Exposé News. “It was not until April 2021 that we saw a significant increase among people under the age of 30 though, and it again has increased month on month since then.”
CDC says myocarditis risk post-mRNA injection is 133 times greater than background risk for general population
In the under-30 category, the number of call-outs per year, on average, between 2017 and 2020 prior to when the shots were released was 24,463. Post-Operation Warp Speed, that number has increased by nearly 50 percent – with an even worse outcome for the over-30 category.

“The average number of annual call-outs between 2017 and 2020 equates to 24,463. Meaning the number of call-outs increased by 48% in 2021,” Exposé News explains.
“The average number of annual call-outs among under 30s between 2017 and 2020 equates to 3,940. Meaning the number of call-outs increased by 82% in 2021.”
Many people missed it because it was published quietly without any fanfare, but a study conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals that the risk of myocarditis post-injection with an mRNA (messenger RNA) shot is an astounding 133 times higher than the background risk for the general population.
Put a different way, getting shot for the Fauci Flu massively increases your risk of serious heart problems.
“This means Covid vaccination increases the risk of suffering myocarditis by a shocking 13,200%,” Exposé News says.
“Eventually, myocarditis weakens the heart so that the rest of the body doesn’t get enough blood. Clots can then form in the heart, leading to a stroke or heart attack. Other complications of the condition include sudden cardiac death.”
“There is no mild version of myocarditis, it is extremely serious due to the fact that the heart muscle is incapable of regenerating. Therefore, once the damage is done there is no rewinding the clock.”
For both England and Wales, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) publishes weekly death figures from which it can be determined that excess deaths all around the world are now in the hundreds of thousands – all due to covid shots.
Comparing age-standardized mortality rates per 100,000 among both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated reveals that death rates are soaring in every place of the world where Fauci Flu shots were widely received by the public.
“There is no other conclusion that can be found for the fact mortality rates per 100,000 are the lowest among the unvaccinated other than that the Covid-19 injections are killing people,” Exposé News contends.
Pfizer’s covid injections are a death sentence – either immediately or later on down the road. To keep up with the latest, visit ChemicalViolence.com.
Tuesday, 16 August 2022
Dr Francis Boyle founder of the US bioweapons law exposes the nazi biowarfare death cult scientists responsible for growing deaths worldwide
Dr Boyle worked with former US President Bush to formulate the International Covenant on the use of biological weapons which is now international law. Transgression of international law carries either the death penalty or life imprisonment. He says Victoria Nuland the US politician responsible for the overthrow of the democratically elected Ukraianian President in 2014 and replacing him with the nazis now in power. Dr Boyle says Nuland should get life imprisonment. Dr Boyle said that Fauci and Collins the two heads of the National Institute of Health in Washington funded the research that led to the Covid-19 gain of function development. He said we have a network of international transnational Nazi biowarfare death cult scientists round the world in France, Britain Israel the US etc. (Dr Anthony Fauci and Dr Collins have since both been executed at GITMO)
Monday, 15 August 2022
26 year old Neurosurgeon dies in July making it seven Canadian doctors to die in two weeks. The Gateway Pundit reports
Dr Ryan Buyting aged 26 was fully vaccinated. (it is really a lie to call this injection a "vaccine". As Professor Francis Boyle US Prosecutor at the Hague and designer of the US Bioweapons covenant says "it is not a vaccine. It is a bioweapon". Dr Makis cancer researcher at the University of Alberta and employed at the Cancer Institute by Alberta Health Services said that Canadian medical schools require all students and residents to be fully vaccinated.. Dr William Makis is also the author of 100 plus peer reviewed medical publications. In the space of the past two weeks Canada has received news of seven deaths of physicians the most recent being that of Dr Candace Nayman. Five doctors were based in the greater Toronto area with three practising at the same hospital. Dr Makis has tracked thirteen Canadian doctors all young and full of life who have died in the past few months. Dr Makis says that those responsible(including deans of Faculty of Medicine ) should face criminal charges and long prison sentences.
Dr Ryan Buyting
The Gateway Pundit reports on the rising death toll in Canada in the medical profession..(Report from Jim Hoft 15 August Gateway Pundit). These young doctors had to take the shot as it was mandated by the medical authorities totally contrary to international law as the US Supreme Court has ruled. Those who mandated it are criminals.
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/08/26-year-old-neurosurgeon-dies-july-making-seven-canadian-doctors-die-two-weeks/?utm_source=E. The Gateway Pundit is based in St Louis US.
Latest news flash from Canada: Alberta Health Services has issued a new declaration published July 18 stating that they will no longer require Covid-19 immunization as a condition of employment.
World Wide Droughts for the anti British Great Reset. Also dangers of digital currency.
Sunak and Truss are due to be in Northern Ireland today. As a Conservative I would not vote for either of them .They are both anti freedom. anti cash great reset shills. The Queen should intervene with a general election now! .they are both anti British NWO shills.
Saturday, 13 August 2022
Dr Sherri Tenpenny: The jabbed need to repent. Latest government report shows mass deaths from the vaccine(read Expose)
https://www.brighteon.com/7fb1790a-eed2-4ca5-b960-a709ac297fc8 Dr Sherri Tenpenny is interviewed by JD Rucker on his show. ( mark 57) See also spiritual assessment (mark 13) short advert at Mark 17. What is happening today is" as in the days of Noah". Matthew 24 37-39. Days of great wickedness preceded the flood. Genesis 6v5 . Today there is also great wickedness just as "in the days of Noah" See also Ephesians 6 v12. Increasing evidence points to us being in the last days.
www.drtenpenny.com www. tenpennywalkingwithgod.com Dr Sherri Tenpenny is one of the foremost christian doctors in America. She goes into the spiritual consequences of the tyranny we are experiencing.
the consequences of a lack of faith in God both within and without the churches.
PfizerGate: latest government report shows that hundreds of thousands are dying every week in GB because of the Covid vaccination! Read the latest published in the Expose
Friends we are facing the outpouring of great evil. the aim is a massive attack on humanity the like of which has never been seen before. The stated aim of the lucerferian cabal is a reduction in the earth population by 90 percent! Only a direct intervention by God himself can save humanity from this fate.
New data from the Office of National Statistics and the UK Health Security Agency just published.
A massive 30 million plus have refused to take any vaccine in England. Wise people! Over 92 000 have died within one month of taking the vaccine between January 2021 and May 2022.
Friday, 12 August 2022
The battle for food against the criminal thugs of the NWO
https://www.rebelnews.com/tags/farmers Rebel News in Canada is in the thick of the battle to support our farmers. The genocidal policy of net zero is a communist attack on humanity. In the Netherlands the farmers are at the forefront in the fight against the nazi NWO tyranny who want to take their farms and lands. These people are nazi eugenists who want a 90 percent reduction in population.
www.stopthewaronfarmers.com Sign the petition now!
See also weatheraction.com for more latest information
Latest climate analysis on net zero. Professor Ian Plimer emeritus professor of Geology University of Melbourne
GREEN MURDER-----NET ZERO published by Connor Court Publishing Australia also from Amazon. 600 pages 1600 scientific references! a blockbuster
Dr Aryana Love dissects the latest findings on the "vaccine" which is not a vaccine-- interviewed by lawyer Reiner Fuellmich
The "vax" is a bioweapon and a solution is given here.
The solution is given by Dr Aryana Love medical scientist University of Finland. Click on the post.
This is the latest research findings. Essential she reveals that it is a cloning technology (masks, pcr test fraud are all part of it. The masks contain hydrogel.) The cells of the body that are cloned with the mrna cannot be reversed. She says it is important to keep the body alkaline and hydrated. The "vaccine" keeps the body acidic and in a state of continual poison. That is what enables the nano particles in the" vaccine" to assemble. The nano particles in the "vaccine" can only assemble if the body is acidic. She also says that it is gene deletion in the brain brought about by the "vaccine" that leads to autism. (one in 12 children in the Irish Republic has autism). The Irish Republic is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world. She also says that this vaccine cloning technology can be ethnic targeted and the intention is to wipe our specific races. (this was one of the reasons Putin invaded Ukraine as the ethnic Russian speakers in Ukraine were being systematically murdered over a period of fourteen years)
Tuesday, 9 August 2022
New National Register of Elderly people who had suspicious deaths in NHS care
Digital id tyranny being rolled out across the world. Dont fall for it
Listen to Australian senator Malcolm Roberts. Remain free dont fall for their latest gimic. If Mastercard persists with it then hand in your mastercard if you have one
New Report shows live ribbons found on PCR test swabs from China. New Stew Peters video
Monday, 8 August 2022
We are definitely going to escalate===Dutch farmers leader Mark van den Oever
The Lucerferian Dutch Prime Minister Rutter wants farmers to give up their livelihood. They say no way! Let battle commence. If the Dutch farmers win we win. no famine. If the Dutch farmers lose we lose famine spreads. just what the Lucerfeian cabal have planned for you
Fight the coming communist great reset. fight against tyrannical medical practises, support cash remain free.
Fight against the communist nazi reset, set to remove every right you ever had. The goal? to remove everything you ever possessed. Read this latest warning from the Daily Expose. Make a donation to the Expose. They want to close it down.
Sunday, 7 August 2022
Twelve Canadian doctors die suddenly so far this year. All had the mandatory vaccine and booster
Friday, 5 August 2022
Total 76789 deaths and 6089773 injuries reported in US and EU databases following vaccines.
https://healthimpactnews.com/2022/76789-deaths-6089773-injuries-reported-in-u-s-and-european-databases-following-covid-19-vaccines/ Please note these figures are the official government figures in the US and in the EU. Brian Shilhavy is the editor of Health Impact News. He is a christian and graduate of the Moody Bible Institute.

You know what the Bible says about those who would harm little children. It would be better for that person to be thrown into the sea with a millstone round his neck compared with what God will do to him
6 Canadian doctors dead at the same hospital after taking the booster covid-19 vaccine shot
Thursday, 4 August 2022
Nurse describes the awful moment she realised the vaccine was mass murder!
Australian nurse interviewed in Brisbane
Amazing world ministries brings you these shocking pictures. Baal worship at the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony!
72 nations publicly worship satanic idols in televised luciferian ritual (see citizens.news/644254.html)
top image: Satanists clad in ritualistic clothing bow down before Baal the horned demon creature!
middle image: Music from Black Sabbath a luciferian rock band
bottom image: this shows the immense size of the Baal creature illuminated with fiery lights and smoke indicating its origin from hell!
Wednesday, 3 August 2022
Pelosi not on the plane. It was her double. Trump intervenes. Nuclear holocaust averted!
As a State Department C-32 allegedly carrying Nancy Pelosi screeched towards Taiwan Air Defence Zone, four Chinese Chengdu J-20s from Hulan Airbase were scrambled to intercept with orders to destroy the Pelosi plane.. Then US F-35 Lightings from the USS Ronald Reagan were launched to intercept the Chinese fighters. The opposing forces were minutes away from meeting in the night sky above Taiwan. The unthinkable seemed inevitable.
It was at this precise moment that Trump intervened.. From his Florida base he told staff to get President Xi Jinping on the phone. Xi took the call . The US and Chinese fighters were less than a minute from merging when Trump urged Xi to back off his fighters.. Trump claimed to have proof that the US woman on the plane was NOT Pelosi but was in fact a body double that the Deep State had sent in her stead. Trump said that his invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807 had stripped Pelosi and her deep state allies of power. Trump told Xi that he will make sure he gets proof that what he said about the Pelosi double was true.. Xi recalled his fighters and the C-32 ferrying the Pelosi double landed safely in Taipei. Nuclear war was averted!
(information in this post was gleaned from realrawnews.com)
Warning of bird flu is to cover up birds dying of 5G radiation
Scott Ritter former UN weapons inspector: Will this drunk witch cause war with China?
I say she will and that is the intention of the Biden deep state. They want war so they can bring in the nazi Schwab controlled NWO in which as Schwab has said "you will own nothing" Defeat these monsters by supporting cash . Support digital currency and you will indeed lose everything. Cash is king so keep it that way and remain free. Defeat this evil criminal Biden.
Tuesday, 2 August 2022
Pelosi arrives in Taiwanbut China prepares to invade Taiwan islands
But China prepares for attackThis from the Gateway Pundit https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/08/warning-china-poised-invade-taiwans-offshore-islands/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=the-gateway-pundit&utm_campaign=dailypm&utm_content=2022-08-02
China poised to invadeTaiwan islands Quemoy and Matsu! These are islands close to the coast of Communist China but administered by Taiwan.
Killing the injected. Maria Zeee interviews embalmer Richard Hirschman
Maria Zeee interviews embalmer Richard Hirschman. warning: images are very graphic!
5G measurements in Swindon. 94 percent of "covid" deaths coming from the fully vaxxed in England in May
5G measurements off the chart from 5G tower. 5G is a killer. Also 94 percent of deaths in May this year in England are from the fully vaxxed! Law suits coming!
Monday, 1 August 2022
Pray for the freedom of Taiwan as Pelosi reported to be visiting
Please pray for Taiwan that it will remain free as the head of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi visits. We have missionaries in Taiwan pray for their protection and that China will not do anything to provoke.. That Pelosi can visit and leave without any incident. that God will overrule and that peace will prevail. That people can get on with their own lives.

Ukraine bombs its own prisoners . Dozens dead. Russia asks the UN to investigate (RT News Report July)
“Russia has officially invited UN and International Committee of the Red Cross experts to engage in an impartial investigation into an attack on a pre-trial detention center in Yelenovka, which killed a large number of Ukrainian prisoners of war,” the statement reads.
According to Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov, on July 29, the Ukrainian military used a US-made HIMARS rocket system to shell a pre-trial detention center in the Yelenovka settlement where captured Ukrainian troops are kept, including members of the Azov battalion. According to the latest data, the attack killed 50 Ukrainian service members and left over 70 wounded.
Ukraine does not want its own captured troops to tell the truth so it kills them!. The same way they poured hot phosphorus on the citizens of Donetsk and murdered hundreds of Russian speaking Ukrainians at Bucha(all covered up by the British media including the BBC. Crimes against humanity!)
THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! What they did to Rwanda!